Every flower must grow through dirt

We all grow. All the time, or at least we should. I think that it is when you stop growing, stop learning and experiencing new things, that you stop living.


I feel like I have grown a lot the past few months. I have focused on keeping an open mind,  positive thoughts and doing things that are outside my comfort zone. I must admit it feels good. Very scary sometimes, but after I’ve been out there I just feel like I can do anything.

Until I crawl right back into that comfort zone. I start making excuses and silly reasons not to get back out because, well, the comfort zone is pretty comfy.


That is where I am right now, on my comfy sofa in my safe, little house with the people I love. No strangers can reach me here, unless my phone rings.. I have got to get over that phone-fear of mine. And I have got to get back out, this sofa is just so god damn comfy!

I said I have grown a lot the past few weeks, but I know it is not enough. It is not as much as I would have wanted it to be, but luckily I now have a job and awesome co-workers encouraging me to grow, and to step out of the comfort zone.


That is where I want to be this summer. It is where I need to be to reach my goals.  I want to grow, and by doing so I know that this is going to be the best summer ever!

Makeup by me | Photo by Tore Hansen

Where is the end of your comfort zone?

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