Update 23

Here’s a quick update of the year that has been! Because wow, what a year it’s been! In January I started at a new job and I no longer work in the beauty industry. Now I work in retail again, but with kitchens, wardrobes and so on, at IKEA. I really enjoy working there, and it has helped me when making my apartment feel like a home for me. That is mostly what this year has been about, doing things for me. I moved back to my apartment in June and after that I have focused on work and spent more time with friends and family. I also bought a cabin, renovated my kitchen and travelled a little this year.

Right now my apartment is coming together after the renovation and just has a few boxes and materials going to the shed or the cabin eventually. But one of the most important things I have added after moving back is a desk. Yes, a makeup desk! Or just a normal desk, but we all know I am going to use it as a vanity desk, and I love it.

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